Green Cross Solutions, Disclaimer

The content on the website is presented solely for informational purposes and does not provide you with advice or recommendations of any kind.

Limitations to the information provided

The information is provided ‘as is’ and Green Cross Solutions makes no representations or warranties either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement.
Further, Green Cross Solutions makes no representations or warranties of any kind as to the completeness, accuracy, timeliness, availability, functionality and compliance with applicable laws.

Disclaimed Liability

Green Cross Solutions shall not be liable for any damages or injury arising out of your access to, or inability to access, this site or from your reliance on any information provided herein.
Green Cross Solutions disclaims any and all liability for direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, and special or other damages, lost opportunities, lost profit or any other loss or damages of any kind. This limitation includes damages or any viruses which may affect your computer equipment.

Any links to other Internet sites are provided as a convenience.
Green Cross Solutions has no responsibility or control over the content or operation of such sites and shall not be liable for any damages or injuries arising from that content or its operation.

Green Cross Solutions reserves its right to alter, modify, substitute or delete any content of or may restrict access to or discontinue distribution on this site at any time and at its sole discretion.

Green Cross Solutions shall not be held liable for any comments posted by third parties and reserves the right to remove any and all comments that do not comply with the guidelines contained below. These include comments that use profanity, make personal attacks, or contain other inappropriate comments or material. Additionally, entries that are unsigned or contain “signatures” by someone other than the actual author will be removed. Users who violate any of our posting standards will have content removed and can be banned from the site.

Comment Guidelines

We welcome your participation in comment threads. In order to keep the experience a positive one for all of our users, we ask that you follow the rules outlined below.
By submitting comments to this site, you are consenting to the following rules:

You agree that you are fully responsible for the content that you post.

You may NOT post content that is libellous, defamatory, obscene, abusive, that violates a third party’s right to privacy, that otherwise violates any applicable local, state, national or international law, or that is otherwise inappropriate. Furthermore,
you may not post content that degrades others on the basis of gender, race, class, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual preference, disability or other classification. Language intended to intimidate or to incite violence will not be tolerated. In addition, by posting material in the comments, you represent that you have the legal right to reproduce, adapt, display, and distribute this material to others.

Green Cross Solutions shall NOT be held responsible for posted information that may infringe on a third party’s copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights.

You understand and agree that Green Cross Solutions may modify the content of your comments. Green Cross Solutions may monitor user-generated content as it chooses and reserves the right to remove, edit or otherwise alter content that it deems inappropriate for any reason.

You understand and agree that the site is to be used only for non-commercial purposes.

This site prohibits any actions to solicit funds, promote commercial entities or otherwise engage in commercial activity through the comment function.

Intellectual Property (IP) Rights

The content of this website is the property of Green Cross Solutions and is protected by Intellectual Property laws. The Trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, images and products displayed on this site are protected worldwide, and no use of any of these may be made without the prior written consent of Green Cross Solutions.

Choice of law and disputes

This notice as well as the contents and use of this website shall be governed exclusively by English & Welsh law, and any dispute arising out of or in relation to the use of this website shall be decided solely by the High Court in London, England, UK.

Privacy policy

Green Cross Solutions are very serious about the protection of your personal data. Personal data that we collect when you visit our website is processed in accordance with English & Welsh data protection regulation, outlined by the Information Commissioners Office and our employees are obliged to comply fully with data protection regulations.

You can read our entire Privacy Policy within this link